Mellanox OFED Installation With Lustre
The version used on Rocky Linux 8.9 (subject to change if kernel is upgraded)
Lustre client version lustre-client-2.12.9_ddn8-1.el8.x86_64
Original open sources from Whamcloud were not passing the compilation, client used on SOMHPC was provided by DDN.
DDN version DDN Customer Portal
( updated version of lustre client for DDN can be acquired by contacting DDN customer support if OS kernel changed for security reason)
Installation procedure:
1. Log in to the installation machine as root.
2. Mount the ISO image on your machine.
mount -o ro,loop MLNX_OFED_LINUX-<ver>-<OS label>-<CPU arch>.iso /mnt
3. Run the installation script. /mnt/mlnxofedinstall
(Based on DDN solutions in our case) assumes non-standard compilation for the Mellanox OFED driver, don’t forget to add --add-kernel-support --kmp --without-fw-update
4. rebuild the initramfs
cp /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).bak.$(date +%m-%d-%H%M%S).img
dracut -f -v
5. # Extract Lustre sources into that directory
tar xvzf lustre-client-${version}.tar.gz -C lustre-${version}_MOFED-${mofed_version}_$(uname -r) --strip-components=1
# Lustre client RPMs build
cd lustre-${version}_MOFED-${mofed_version}_$(uname -r)
./configure --disable-server
make rpms