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Implementing VCU Secondary Administrative account on SOM PC off-campus - Knowledgebase / Client Advancement Services / Desktop Support / Admin Rights - SOMTech (Technology Services) - VCU School of Medicine

Implementing VCU Secondary Administrative account on SOM PC off-campus

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This page describes how to get an VCU Secondary Administrative account setup as an admin on a Windows PC away from VCU.

This process does not require existing administrative rights.

You must have already been approved for an Elevated Account and had one setup for this to work.


Follow the instructions below (logged in with your regular eID):

  1. Connect to RamsVPN.
    1. If you have not set this up yet, instructions can be found here:
  2. Open Command Prompt (not as Administrator) through one of these methods:
    1. Click Start button and search for Command Prompt
    2. Hit Windows key (between Ctrl and Alt on keyboard) and R to open Run dialog box. Type cmd and click OK.
    3. Right click on Start button and choose Run. Type cmd and click OK.
  3. Run this command to see the current administrators: net localgroup Administrators
    1. Which will provide a list of the groups/users that are currently admins on the computer. These groups/users should definitely be listed there:
      1. RAMS\Domain Admins
      2. RAMS\OTS_LD_LocalAdmin
      3. RAMS\SOMTS_SOMTech-SupportedPCs_Admin
      4. SOMTech
  4. In order for the s_eID account to work, the following group needs to be listed there: %YOUR_COMPUTERNAME_HERE%_Admin
  5. If that group is not there, then run the following command:gpupdate /force
    Updating policy… should be displayed for a minute or two. It should come back and say:
    Computer Policy update has completed successfully.
    User Policy update has completed successfully
  6. Run the following command again and hopefully the new group will be displayed: net localgroup Administrators
  7. Now, to make sure that the group memberships for s_eID have been cached to the computer, run: runas /u:rams\s_eID cmd
    1. When prompted, enter the VCU Secondary Account password (invisible on screen).
    2. If accepted, a new Command Prompt window will open.
      1. If not, rerun the command.
  8. Reboot and test using the VCU Secondary Account


Here is an example of this whole process:

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