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Requesting a VCU Health Email Account - Knowledgebase / Client Services / Endpoint - SOMTech (Technology Services) - VCU School of Medicine

Requesting a VCU Health Email Account

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This process should be completed by a supervisor or HR administrator.

As of 09/01/21 this guide is no longer considered production.

Certain portions of the process have changes as VCU Health has migrated to a new HR management system, Workday. 

To find out more about Workday: 

We have noticed some SOM administrators do not have the necessary access within Workday to onboard new employees.

  • If this is the case, please email and request access for onboarding SOM employees via Workday
  • If you do not receive an update from HR4U after 48 hours - please contact SOMTech and we will follow up ASAP.

Things are changing frequently and we will strive to update this guide as we find out new information.

Entering new SOM employee into VCU Health HR (Workday - Contract Contingent Worker)

Currently, the following screenshot is the best reference guide available for onboarding a new employee into VCU Health HR's Workday.

We're working to confirm that this guide is accurate and up-to-date.

-Will Crehore 9/28/21

After the new employee has been entered into Workday, a ticket can be submitted via Keystone to request the actual email account.

Requesting VCU Health email account from VCU Health IT via Keystone

  1. Click HERE to go directly to the ARF section of VCU Health's new ticketing system, Keystone. (login with VCU Health credentials)
  2. Under Requested For, enter the new employee's name or non-employee number.
    (!) IMPORTANT NOTE (!) – 
    Not all administrators will be automatically listed as an eligible approver in the new system.
    If you (the requestor) are not listed as the Current Approving Manager, then try checking Alternate Approver Needed and search for yourself in the Alternate Approver dropdown menu.
    If you are still unable to list yourself as an alternate approver then stop this process and follow up in an email to (or submit a ticket to us at
    We will finish processing the request on your behalf and also investigate adding you as an eligible approver for the future.
  3. Under Commonly Requested Items, check the Outlook Email & Windows User Activation options.
  4. Click Next to continue the process.
  5. The next page is a review of what has been chosen. When you are ready to proceed, click Next.
  6. When you are ready to submit this request, choose Order Now. (ignore pricing)
  7. You will eventually (typically within 1 hour) receive an email from Keystone requesting your approval on the ARF.
    Subject: Requested Item RITMxxxxxxx Approval Request
    At the bottom of the email, choose Click here to approve RITMxxxxxxx
  8. After you approve the request, you'll receive a separate email receipt and the request will be sent to the VCU Health Access Management group for further processing.
  9. When the new employee's Windows account has been created, you'll receive an email containing access details.
    Subject: RITMxxxxxx submitted for has been completed.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: This email is pertaining to the employee's login information and not their actual email account. The email account creation is a separate process that typically takes between 24-48 hours to complete.

    Click the hyperlink to login to Keystone and select the related request from the list.

    Store this information for now as it will be used in a later step.
  10. You will receive an email notification from someone in the VCU Health Access Management group once the email account has been created.
    SUBJECT: Outlook Email for 
  11. At this point, the email account has been created and is ready for initial access.
  12. The new employee can reset their password by going to and logging in using their email address (Step 13) and temporary password (Step 12).
  13. Afterwards, they can setup the account in the Outlook client by following the instructions here:

Additional Resources

VCU Health HR

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