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Secure Cloud Storage Options - SOMDrive - Knowledgebase / Client Services - SOMTech (Technology Services) - VCU School of Medicine

Secure Cloud Storage Options - SOMDrive

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Microsoft OneDrive for SOM
Managed by VCU Health

Microsoft OneDrive for SOM

Google Drive for SOM
Managed by VCU

Google Drive For SOM

Support Documentation


Should I use OneDrive or Google Drive for collaboration within SOM?

VCU Health's OneDrive is the preferred cloud storage solution. It is managed and secured by VCU Health and offers additional functionality over Google Drive that will likely be used in the future including being able to map your OneDrive to your computer and use it as a normal drive. There are situations where using Google Drive may make more sense, particulary when collaborating with students or faculty staff in other areas of VCU.


Can I use other cloud storage solutions for work?

Besides VCU's Google Drive and VCU Health's OneDrive, you should not use any other cloud storage offerings to store VCU data. You should not be using your personal cloud storage or other cloud storage solutions to store work-related materials or files. Other cloud storage solutions that you should not use include: Dropbox, Box, Amazon Cloud, etc. You should always use VCU Health's OneDrive or VCU's Google Drive to store business-related files as it has the proper security controls in place to help safeguard data. Again, you should not use any other cloud storage solution other than VCU Health's OneDrive or VCU's Google Drive.

Google Drive FAQs

How do I get access to the Google Drive desktop application?

A request must be submitted to Client Services.  In the request, please provide business justification as to why the local application is required. 


What happens if I share a document / file with someone who does not have a Google account?

Google will prompt the recipient to create an account using the email address that was provided.


What happens to data when someone leaves VCU?

At the moment, the files and folders created by the user will remain. It's possible that this will change in the near future .It is recommended that the person leaving change the ownership of their files to someone else. If this is not done, please submit a ticket at in order to get the ownership changed.


What type of files can I store on Google Drive?

Google Drive allows the storage of any file type. It is believed that the maximum file size for any single file is 5TB. Certain types of files are able to be edited while on Google Drive. This includes documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. Please note that these files may need to be converted to a special format in order to be edited online.


Are there any types of data that I should be concerned about storing on Google Drive?

Because of the security agreement between VCU and Google, any data (including category 1 data) except for credit card data may be stored on Google Drive. However, it is more secure to store sensitive data on the SOM share drives. If sensitive data is stored on Google Drive, it is imperative that it be done properly and securely. Please be extra cautious when sharing this type of data. It is the user's responsibility to make sure that sensitive data is not exposed. The School of Medicine has turned on certain security features to make this easier.

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  • Direct Sharing - this allows you to share with individuals within VCU and / or outside VCU. Each of these collaborators must have a Google account (whether it be an institutional account or personal account). This is the only way that sensitive data should be shared.

  • VCU-wide Sharing - this allows for you to share a document with everybody at VCU with a VCU Google account. The shared file can be found by searching and should effectively be considered public although it is only accessible by people within VCU. Sensitive data should not be shared this way.

  • Link Sharing - this allows you to create a unique link that points to the shared file and allows anyone at VCU who has the link to access it. This is the same as VCU-wide sharing, but the file is not searchable. Sensitive data should not be shared this way.

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