Below are the instructions for submitting a ticket to SOMTech using the Cherwell ticketing system. In order to ensure that your ticket arrives at SOMTech and that SOMTech can provide the most efficient support, we strongly encourage you to follow these instructions and include the requested information in each ticket submitted.
New Employee Setup & Access
Accounts & Access - Access Control Management - Building & Door Access - https://go.vcu.edu/ITSupport
Communication & Collaboration - Telecommunications - Voice Services (New Phone & Number) - https://go.vcu.edu/ITSupport
For additional assistance with the Cherwell ticketing system, please contact the IT Support Center at 828-2227.
Who are these instructions for?
With this ticketing system, the SOMTech Client Services group now comprises what was previously 3 groups:
SOMTech Desktop Support
SOM Security
If you are trying to submit a ticket to any of these former groups, you are in the right spot! If you are looking for IT support within VIPBG, please visit the VIPBG Help Desk.
Quick/Reference Instructions
Click on Click To Login.
Login to CAS with your VCU eID and eID password (if prompted).
Click on School/Unit Specific Support
Choose School of Medicine
Choose SOM Client Services
Depending on the issue, you may want to click on different options listed below, but if you are not sure which to choose, you should click on one of the bolded options:
Report Issue
Request Service
Request a VCU Health Email Account
Request Access to the SOM Shares
Request Computer
Request New Managed Folder
Request New Shared Mailbox
Request Printer Support
Request Remote Access
Terminate Access to the SOM Shares
Fill in the form with the relevant information and click the Submit button. Use the information below to help best complete this form.