Description: Process for connecting Gaumard Vitals in control room to display in sim room, with PC controlling Gaumard Manikin is in sim room or another room.
Equipment: Hal, Noelle, Victoria, Universal computers 9-205/9-209/9-211/9-215/9-209/9-210
Software: Uni, Gaumard Vitals
Connect Universal PC in control room (Monitor PC) and PC that will be connected to and control Hal, to a common WIFI signal. (in this example, we are using a Laerdal Router used for SimMan3G)
On PC controlling manikin, open Monitor Configuration Settings, and select “Refresh” if wifi option is not showing
Note the Controller Name and Connect
Enter the “Controller Name” that was noted from step 3 (in this case it is SIM-UNI-9208) and make sure “Connection Type” Is WIFI. Then select “Connect”
*You may have to add .LAN after the controller name i.e. SIM-UNI-9208.LAN*