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Dashboard Inventory - Knowledgebase / Application Services / Business Intelligence - SOMTech (Technology Services) - VCU School of Medicine

Dashboard Inventory

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Pre-clinical end-of-course evaluation

End-of-course evaluation response percentages by evaluation questions for the selected pre-clinical courses.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Pre-clinical overall evaluation

The quality of educational experience percentages for the selected pre-clinical courses.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Pre-clinical bias evaluation

Course evaluation bias percentages by questions for the selected pre-clinical courses.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Pre-clinical outcomes evaluation

Grade and score distribution, competency achieved percentages for the selected pre-clinical courses.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Pre-clinical pass/fail evaluation

Pass/fail percentages for the selected pre-clinical courses.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Pre-clinical grade timeliness

Grade timeliness counts and percentages by courses for the selected graduation year.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Pre-clinical course evaluation likert

Course evaluation likert for the selected course and graduation year.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Clerkship teaching and feedback

Clerkship teaching and feedback percentages for the selected clerkship.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Clerkship overall ratings

Quality of the clerkship rating percentages for the selected clerkship.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Clerkship mistreatment

Student reporting frequency counts of experienced or observed mistreatments for the selected clerkship.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Clerkship grade timeliness

Overall grade timeliness counts by clerkships.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Clerkship timeliness rotation

Days to grade return for the selected clerkship and graduate year.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Clerkship overall outcomes

Overall outcome percentages and shelf exam grade count for the selected clerkships.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship

Clerkship student performance

Communication, professional, and patient care outcomes for the selected clerkships.

Office of medical education

Office of assessment, evaluation, and scholarship


VCU faculty count trends

Current fiscal year total, current fiscal year full-time and part-time counts. View data by faculty status. Filter data by department group, department, tenure status, academic rank, faculty type, race, sex, and gender.

Dean’s Office administration

VCU faculty category trends

Current fiscal year total, current fiscal year full-time and part-time counts. View category trends by faculty status and different categories such as tenure status, academic rank, faculty type, race, sex, and gender. Filter data by department group, department, tenure status, academic rank, faculty type, race, sex, and gender.

Dean’s Office administration

VCU faculty density

Density count and percentages. View data by faculty status and density type, such as tenure status, faculty type, and academic rank. Filter data by department group, department, tenure status, academic rank, faculty type, race, sex, and gender.

Dean’s Office administration

VCU faculty department counts

Combined faculty count for VCU and MCVP entities. View data by faculty status. Filter data by department group, department, tenure status, academic rank, faculty type, race, sex, and gender.

Dean’s Office administration

VCU adjunct count trends

Current fiscal year total count. View data by faculty status. Filter data by department group, department, tenure status, academic rank, race, sex, and gender.

Dean’s Office administration

VCU adjunct category trends

Current fiscal year total count. View adjunct category trends by faculty status and categories such as tenure status, academic rank, race, sex, and gender. Filter data by department group, department, tenure status, academic rank, race, sex, and gender.

Dean’s Office administration

VCU/MCVP faculty count trends

Combined faculty total, full-time and part-time counts for VCU and MCVP entities. View data by faculty status, faculty category, and work status. Filter data by department group, department, and faculty type.

Dean’s Office administration

MCVP faculty category trends

MCVP faculty current total count. View data by faculty status and faculty type. Filter data by department group, department, faculty type, and work status.

Dean’s Office administration


Active staff summary

Current fiscal year total, current fiscal year full-time and part-time counts, active staff counts by department. View count trends by different categories such as employee class, position class, staff type, works status, race, sex, and gender. Filter data by employer, department group, department, employee class, position class, staff type, race, sex, and gender.

Dean’s Office administration

Staff transitions summary

Current fiscal year cumulative total, current fiscal year full-time and part-time counts by staff status, staff turnover rate by department. View count trends and turnover rate by different categories such as employee class, position class, staff type, works status, race, sex, and gender. Filter data by employer, department group, department, employee class, position class, staff type, race, sex, and gender.

Dean’s Office administration

End of month counts

View staff counts by month for last 5 fiscal years. View staff count distribution by department for selected monthly snapshot. View count trends by different categories such as employee class, position class, staff type, works status, race, sex, and gender. Filter data by employer, department group, department, employee class, position class, staff type, race, sex, and gender.

Dean’s Office administration

Staff category trends

Current fiscal year total, current fiscal year full-time and part-time counts. View category trends by staff status and different categories such as employee class, position class, staff type, race, sex, and gender. Filter data by employer, department group, department, employee class, position class, staff type, race, sex, and gender.

Dean’s Office administration

Staff density

Density count and percentages. View data by staff status and density type, such as employee class, staff type, and position class. Filter data by employer, department group, department, employee class, position class, staff type, race, sex, and gender.

Dean’s Office administration


Historical award trends

Award value, award count, PI count, year-over-year variance, and five-year variance. View data by fiscally managing unit and PI’s HR home. Filter data by direct sponsor, originating sponsor, school, department, division, role type, and PI.

Dean’s Office administration

Active award trends

Award value, award count, PI count, year-over-year variance, and five-year variance. Award distribution by direct sponsor type and fiscal year. View data by fiscally managing unit and PI HR home. Filter data by direct sponsor, originating sponsor, school, department, division, role type, and PI.

Dean’s Office administration

Expenditure trends

Expenditure cost, F&A rate, current FY annualized, year-over-year variance, and five-year variance. View data by fiscally managing unit and PI’s HR home. Filter data by direct sponsor, originating sponsor, school, department, division, role type, and PI.

Dean’s Office administration

Proposal trends

Proposal value, proposal count, success rate, year-over-year variance, and five-year variance. View data by fiscally managing unit and PI’s HR home. Filter data by direct sponsor, originating sponsor, school, department, division, role type, and PI.

Dean’s Office administration

Annual Team Roadmap (ATR)


Three year rolling averages for the most recently completed fiscal years for sponsored awards, sponsored expenditures, sponsored proposals, sponsored salary coverage, and Blue Ridge ranking. Three year trends and distribution by sponsor types for sponsored awards and expenditures. Filter data by fiscally administering unit or principal investigator’s home department, department group, department, division, and principal investigator.

Dean’s Office administration

Awards & proposals

Current fiscal year active award counts, value, and % of total cost by sponsor types. Most recently completed fiscal year proposal submission counts, value, and % of total value by sponsor types. Filter data by fiscally administering unit or principal investigator’s home department, department group, department, division, and principal investigator.

Dean’s Office administration

Federal proposals, space, salary

Three year combined federal awards and proposals comparison. Average federal budget request for the recently completed fiscal year compared against the school. Proposal success rate trend for the last three completed fiscal years. Wet space utilization for the last three completed fiscal years. Average wet lab expenditures, space allocations, and $/Sqft calculations and comparison against the school metrics. Faculty research salary coverage trend for the most recently completed 3 fiscal years. Research salary coverage calculation and comparison against school metrics. Filter data by fiscally administering unit or principal investigator’s home department, department group, department, division, and principal investigator.

Dean’s Office administration

NIH details

Three year rolling averages for the most recently completed fiscal years for NIH awards of type R, P, U, T, F, K, NIH Passthrough. NIH award trends and comparison against school metrics. NIH award count, value, and % of value by funding type for the most recently completed fiscal year. Filter data by fiscally administering unit or principal investigator’s home department, department group, department, division, and principal investigator.

Dean’s Office administration

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