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Research Systems Scope of Service - Knowledgebase / Research Systems - SOMTech (Technology Services) - VCU School of Medicine

Research Systems Scope of Service

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The Research Systems team provides specialized support for research-related workflows.  We are here to help understand your needs, match you to appropriate resources, and help you get started using them.   By working hand in hand with the Client Services team, we broaden the capabilities of service that SOMTech offers to its customers.



Research IT Consulting

- Provide guidance to researchers regarding technology acquisition

- Connect researchers with appropriate university and health system resources

Specialized Endpoint Support

- Provide support for workstations/virtual machines outside the norm of typical Client Services parameters

- Minimize risk for systems requiring proprietary hardware/software (including Linux) or retired operating systems

- Implement specialized technical policy configurations to support regulatory requirements, contracts, and data use agreements

Cloud Computing

Assist researchers with setting up cloud computing environments within university-approved parameters

Data Management

- Design and implement processes for secure file transfer and management of research datasets

- Align users with appropriate survey tools; manage user accounts in SOM Qualtrics account

Research Software Support

- Yield to Client Services for installation of vendor-supported software on endpoints

- Install and maintain software on server-based environments, leveraging the services of the University Computer Center for operating-system level maintenance and patching where possible (REDCap, etc.)

- Troubleshoot technical issues within analytical environments

High Performance Computing

- Maintain computing clusters for use by SOMTech users

- Facilitate access to these clusters and other HPC resources

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